Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When Missionaries Come to You!

Well, now the shoe is on the other foot.  We have missionaries come to visit us here in Gabs.  Yesterday Brenda and I went to the Airport to pick up a CRU (Campus Crusade) Summer Project team of 14 students and 3 staff.

Several weeks ago, our pastor announced that our congregation was sending a missionary to.... IOwa (emphasis on the O).

Now we have a full crew evangelizing us!  I am deliberately misrepresenting this a bit, but maybe you get the point.  Our team is young Americans visiting Africa.   In a few years it will likely be young Africans, or young Latinos, or most likely young Koreans visiting the USA to reach this un-reached people group for the Christ.

How soon that happens I do not know.  But, this is a young, energetic, enthusiastic group of Christians who have spent time and effort already in just raising money and getting here.  I pray this experience will change them in a positive spiritual way. I pray they will never be the same.

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