Monday, March 23, 2015

As quiet as new Snow

Today (2-17) we started the University at 11 AM.  My 0800 Stats class was cancelled!  I know there are a LOT of sad students out there today!

I got up and tried to figure how bad the roads might be.  Finally I concluded, that the best approach would be to simply set out.  Lo and behold there was... NOTHING!  The roads between home and teh Uni were as clean and dry as they coudl be, the only difference was, I was almsot all alone.

When I got to campus a bit after 7 AM, I had a NUMBER of great PARKING site from which to choose.  Go figure.  How nice to have the campus to myself.

When I climbed the stairs, I had to trun oon the corridor lights. 

The campus, and my building were.. wait for it... deliciously quiet!  I loved it.  I NEVER see the campus this quiet on a weekday during the academic year UNLESS, there's a weather issue.  Except, bonus of bonuses, there wasn't even a weather issue today!

So, my friend, I got lots and lots of work done.  I am almost back above water for a few minutes, but not quite there yet.  With Brenda out of town and the campus so quiet, I worked about 12  hours with lunch at my desk. My right foot is a bit on the gimp, so I didn't even run.  Too much work, but nice to be almost caught up again.  Tomorrow is a bunch of meetings, so not much can I do, but maybe I can get some things done.

But, for the moment, I think back to the quietness and savor it again.  As I have written before, there isn't much quietness in the world today.  We have to enjoy it when it comes.

Ahh, the joys of quiet.  Thanks be to G^d!

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