I am currently reading a book called "Manhood Restored" by a pastor, Eric Mason. It is not very well written, for which I blame his editor. But, as I have read the book it has occurred to me, that manhood is not a goal of mine, and I don't recall it ever being a goal.
Pastor Mason's premise is that many of us men are "daddy deprived", and that along with culture and circumstance has made us less manly than we ought to be. In fact, this premise and this book are foundational to a Sunday School class I and two others are teaching for men in our congregation this semester.
As I have readt his book, I have come to the conclusion that I have NO interest in striving for manhood.
"Good thing!" some of my critics might offer.
No, I care little for manhood, but before you make a smartalec comment, let me add, I do strive to follow Jesus, The Christ. As my grandad used to say, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:14)
Yep, I don't think G^d is going to welcome any man into heaven with a statement, "Good manhood there my boy!" I think my goal is "Well done my good and faithful servant!" (Matt 25:21) And, more importantly I think we best achieve this by striving to be more like The Christ, with little regard for manhood, citizenship, achievement, or success. Jesus was an extraordinary man, who did extraordinary things. He prayed, obeyed G^d, served others, was willing to give up his life for our sake. That's pretty manyly - and it's what I want to emulate.
Ok good men, go and do likewise!!
Pastor Mason's premise is that many of us men are "daddy deprived", and that along with culture and circumstance has made us less manly than we ought to be. In fact, this premise and this book are foundational to a Sunday School class I and two others are teaching for men in our congregation this semester.
As I have readt his book, I have come to the conclusion that I have NO interest in striving for manhood.
"Good thing!" some of my critics might offer.
No, I care little for manhood, but before you make a smartalec comment, let me add, I do strive to follow Jesus, The Christ. As my grandad used to say, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:14)
Yep, I don't think G^d is going to welcome any man into heaven with a statement, "Good manhood there my boy!" I think my goal is "Well done my good and faithful servant!" (Matt 25:21) And, more importantly I think we best achieve this by striving to be more like The Christ, with little regard for manhood, citizenship, achievement, or success. Jesus was an extraordinary man, who did extraordinary things. He prayed, obeyed G^d, served others, was willing to give up his life for our sake. That's pretty manyly - and it's what I want to emulate.
Ok good men, go and do likewise!!
Being I've been in several of these classes; I will say the effect of it has been good for me personally. The material does bring out some good points and thoughts...I attribute the benefit and growth more to "Where two or three are gathered in my name; I'm am in the midst", and also James 5:16 tell your faults to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed...That makes me think; Have I told you I appreciate your faithfulness to teach and moderate in these Sunday School sessions? Well I do.