Thursday, December 29, 2016

Mistakes and Apologies- MINE

As we approach the New Years, and the time to make resolutions, let me resolve to make more mistakes.


Yes, that is not a typo- this time-  I resolve to make more mistakes.  I resolve it, because it is one resolution I will likely keep.  If you have been reading this blog long, you realize that my prediction is safe.  I make errors ALL the TIME!!  I just had to correct a typo in the post that came out today (early November).  It is likely I made other errors I didn't catch.  If you do stuff, you make errors.

Most errors aren't that bad.  I read a book recently which described a Company's policy as saying, errors aren't a problem... as long as we learn from them and get better.

At my age, I am not sure I get any better- in fact it seems I am getting worse at a LOT of things.  But I still accept my errors.  It's not that big a deal- as long as no one gets hurt but me.

That said, I apologize for my frequent errors and ask your indulgence and forgiveness.

G^d KNEW that man would make errors- sins.  He was NOT caught by surprise.  He tells us that the Christ as crucified BEFORE the foundation of the earth!   He was NOT caught off guard (that repetition was intentional, not an error).

G^d has made provision for my intentional and unintentional errors- what we call sins.  Christ gave his life to correct my errors.

Thank you L^rd for your grace and mercy!  L^rd knows I need them!

Good to know.

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