Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ahhhh, coolness, how I have missed thee!

This AM I went to the 21-days of Prayer at Church of the Highlands.  During the individual prayer time, I decided to step out of the cold, cold air conditioning.  To my surprise, it was NICE and quite cool.  In my shorts and tee shirt, I was chilly!  Oh joy of joy!  Somehow I had traveled from home to the building without appreciating the nice coolness of the early, early AM.

And, I note that we take so much for granted.  So many blessings go largely unnoticed.  I had missed what should have stood out.  But, thanks be to G^d, I finally recognized the Blessing of the cool.

When I got home I mentioned to Brenda that we ought to step outside for our morning coffee.  We have a lovely side porch that sees nothing but trees, but the summer has been so hot that we have scarcely used it.  But, this morning I cut off the ceiling fan out there; otherwise it was too cold!  And, this is August 24th!

The summers here are hot, hot, hot, and I should mention also they are humid, humid, humid. Ah yes, but the springs and falls are long and extremely pleasant. Couple those with a short and mild winter, and you have a climate which is quite appealing to us old folk.

In another 4 weeks the fall season will come and the heat will flee.  The leaves will turn and the geese will head north (at least most of them).  Praise the L^rd for the seasons, and for His faithfulness. I hope I don't take it for granted.

How about you?  What Blessings are you missing?

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