Thursday, January 3, 2019

Looking back on 2018!

Just after I wrote this, "Good Morning America" said the same thing.  It's 20 Dec, and in 11 more days 2018 will draw to a close.   2018 we hardly new ye!

To say it once again, time is fleeting, and fleeing. Redeem the time!

2018 began with our annual Cru Midyear Conference in Dallas. From there we had Common Call Christian Faculty Conferences in Greenville, SC, then in ATL, and from there flew straight to England in time for "The Beast from the East" snowstorm. Much of our planned schedule was cancelled, but we worked around it and had a good time of ministry and building relationships.

In March we were a last-minute fill-in for a speaker at a Christian Student group meeting in Gulf Shores AL. It was a blast.  In April I had a consulting job in WV that took the better part of a week. Dr. Jim Houston, Dr. Mike Parker's writing buddy, came to UA, and we got to spend some good time with him and associated friends.

The month of May was great because we made our trek to Laguna Beach Christian Resort. The spring was filled too, with visits to southern US Universities for Fac Commons. In August we made the looooong trip to Japan where we connected with Andrew in visiting David and his family in Kakegawa.  In Sept we got another week of vacay and spent a week at Laguna followed by another week of Wellness and Sukkot with our Christian friends. In early Oct, I went to Minneapolis and met with FC folks and then on to WI for a great week of ministry.

We did a "thank-a-Prof" campaign at UA, and I spent quite a few hours trying to deliver those notes.  This is indeed a great ministry.

When you add in all the little daily stuff- teaching Sunday School, buying a house, beginning remodeling... etc. etc. it becomes a bit clearer why the year flew by.

May 2019 be a Terrific Year of Laboring for the L^rd for you and for us. 



  1. My the seeds we sow be watered, and my the Father give increase to one's we water...And may we never weary in well doing...
    Blessings for a prosperous and fruitful New Year in the Christ!

  2. Thanks brother. I appreciate you!! Blessings in 2019!
