Monday, July 15, 2019

More Atheist Thoughts...

I love good quotes, so I signed up for a daily quote in my email. Last blog I wrote about Sam Harris' views that the philosophy/worldview of atheists wasn't a philosophy or worldview. To my surprise they sent another brilliant Sam Harris quote, "The atheist, by merely being in touch with reality, appears shamefully out of touch with the fantasy life of his neighbors."

Wow! So, Dr. Harris, only atheists, like you are in touch with reality? At least you recognize that you are "shamefully out of touch" with your neighbors.
It appears that Dr. Harris' reality consists of:

1) He is SURE (unlike most honest philosophers, who admit to NOT knowing for sure) there is NO G^d!

2) Implied is that ONLY atheists are "in touch with reality".

3) And their neighbors have a "fantasy life".

In #1, I would ask HOW does he KNOW this with such surety? What "scientific" test has he applied? How did the world in it's complexity come to be, unless he believes, against enormous odds, that "everything created itself out of nothing" (GK Chesterton)?  As a "neuroscientist", his "realistic" view is that our brains, his brain, is just a chance collection of chemicals that arose by accident. Why would he trust such a randomly-developed computer?

In #2, his personal hubris, and disdain for those with different views is obvious. Dr. Harris would posit that Dr. Francis Collins of Human Genome Project fame, and currently head of the NIH is out of touch with reality? Of course he also views Dr.s John Lennox, Alvin Plantiga, Michael Behe, Bill Craig, and scores of other fellow Ph.D.s as being out of touch with reality too.

And, in #3, he implies that the short list of brilliant minds listed (and we could add many more) are all living a "fantasy life", as opposed to his "reality".

Think about those points.  Who appears to be living in a "fantasy"?

Just sayin...

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