Sunday, November 8, 2020

US Elections, 2020


On Nov 2, the day before the US national election, I posted this on FaceBook.


1 - God will still be on His throne
2 - Jesus will still be King of kings and Lord of lords
3 - The Bible will still have all the answers to our problems
4 - The tomb will still be empty
5 - Jesus will still be the only way to heaven
6 - Prayer will still work - it will still make a difference, and God will still answer prayer
7 - The cross, not the government, will still be our salvation
8 - There will still be room at the cross
9 - Jesus will still save anyone who puts their faith and trust in Him
10 - God will still be with us always, He will never leave us or forsake us!

We were astounded at the response. We had almost 200 responses in less than 24 hours. Right now, the tv news is showing long lines to vote before people go off to work. It is just after 0700 and the news is heavily promoting the Democratic candidates, and showing which states need to go "Blue" for them to win.

By the time you read this, we will know for CERTAIN who won. And, truth be told, 1000 years from now, it really won't matter. G^d will still be on HIS throne, and He will never leave us or forsake us.

Comforting, isn't it.

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