Sunday, January 3, 2021

Welcome 2021

Well, we are 4 days into 2021. We do NOT know what the future holds...but we do KNOW WHO holds the future. Yeah, it's an old cliché, but it is still true.

We NEVER suspected that 2020 would be the disaster that has come. Our ability to anticipate things is NOT nearly so good as we might have thought previously. When a disease can SHUT DOWN SEC football, you know things are BAD. And, that's a sad illustration.

Well, 2020 is now behind us. 

So what do YOU anticipate from 2021. Might it even be worse?

Hard to imagine... you might be thinking. I have to admit, as bad as 2020 was, it was NOT as bad as it could have been. The economic damage has been bad for many, but pretty good for others. The home remodeling folks have done fine, as have makers of masks, hand sanitizer, hand soap, and human ventilators.

Well, just like 2020, we DO NOT KNOW what this year might bring. But I can confidently pray for you that G^d will draw you, and me, to Himself; that we will all become more like the Christ.; and that we will love one another and serve one another, just as Christ exemplified.

So, whether good times are around the corner, or another disaster, we can, regardless, grow in our relationship with G^d. Surprisingly, bad times seem to produce MORE growth than smooth sailing does.

May G^d Bless YOUR 2021.

We and rest in Him!

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