Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Joy of Public Speaking

I have heard on numerous occasions that public speaking ranks as the #1 fear of many people. Well I guess I am abnormal. Well, actually I know I am abnormal. I LOVE putting together some thoughts and speaking to any kind of audience. Just yesterday I spoke remotely to a group of Italian students. Last week I spoke 14 times in 5 days. And, I love these opportunities.

 I am old and have picked up a few ideas and stories over my lifetime. I very much enjoy sharing my ideas with others. My ultimate goal is to have an impact for Jesus the Christ. Fortunately most of my speaking opps are also opps to share the gospel, or at minimum, to encourage people to check out Jesus and the Holy Scriptures.

I think my catalog of talks is over 100 now. I feel sure some of these will never be given again, but likewise, some have been given a dozen or more times. I learn a little every time I speak, and very often I alter the talk I just gave.

 Fortunately, in my ministry I get some great opportunities to speak. My list of talks is so long because I want to maximize my opps. But, as I have said before, speaking is only worthwhile if lives are impacted for eternity.

L^rd make it so!

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