Thursday, July 5, 2018

Life Review: Competition in a Post-Modern Culture

Last post I wrote about the competition within Christianity, and attributed some of it to capitalism.  But, there are many factors at work in Post-modernity to FOSTER even more competition.

For MOST Americans, the ultimate goal is NOT to seek the commendation of Jesus, but to have "As nice a life as I can!"

Think about it. Consumerism is based on our desire to have more, do more, enjoy more. If we forget G^d, what else is there?

So, how does one compete in the arena of happy life? But posting their BEST moments on Facebook, etc. We make a terrific trip, and we want to share notifications and photos. Isn't sharing a good thing?

Yes, sharing the actual food, fun, and function of a trip would be very commendable, but sharing the "Greatness" of our lives virtually, as opposed to actually, is probably more competitive than cooperative.  Now don't get mad, just consider it. And I FULLY ACKNOWLEDGE there are exceptions, I am merely talking of generalities.

We are capitalists and competitors. They go together and have produced a VERY prosperous economy. But, an economy based on man's fallen nature, and a testimony to that fallen nature.

Why would Facebook convey anything different. Hey look at my: vacation, food, new thing, happy times!!! We compete by mostly sharing the GREAT aspects of our lives, though sometimes we use it better.

I enjoy FB, and post my share of stuff. But, I am fighting the constant urge to make the GOAL of life to have maximal HAPPINESS!

So what is an alternative goal? I have to try to remind myself, the chief purpose of writing this, that "Seeking FIRST the kingdom of G^d!" is such a goal. Loving G^d wholly, and my neighbor as myself, these are worthy goals.

L^rd make it so!

1 comment:

  1. Now your talking!...I can only testify about my own peace, but, one of the best thing I have done for myself about 10 years ago, was to pull back from social media, and politic following (the news)...And just lately (the pat few years) recognize the mental trap of self expectation to answer a cell phone, or to even own one) Much of my sufferings are self inflicted, To be like everyone else is not always a good thing!...Cell phones, social media and the such, I find to have the potential for great distraction, in world of great distraction..(something else to manage, more self -inflicted suffering) The continues stream of vises in the world, can easily rob us of hearing? My times w/ the Father, and family must not have to battle other things?...Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble....Why make any more for myself??
