Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Flag and Symbol of Mongolia

While we are up at the Meditation Center, the guide describes the Mongolian symbol to me.
Take a look:

The Top is the triune flame representing past, present, and future.

Next is the Sun and Moon representing the light of day and night in the sky.  

Under these are the the arrow/spear heads at top and bottom to symbolize defeat of the enemies.  

Under these are two books representing Knowledge.

In the middle of the bottom are the ying and yang of the Mongolians which represent male and female fish, who never close their eyes.

The two Upright rectangels on each side represent the borders with China and Russia, or perhaps firmess and strength, depending on who is doing the interpreting.

This is the symbol on the first panel of the Mongolian National Flag.

Christianity has its own symbols, foremost the cross.  Clearly the cross represents the ultimate price the Christ paid on my behalf and yours.  The fish, the secret symbol of early persecuted Christians ought to remind us of the price many have paid to follow the Christ.

The Roman Catholics make the sign of the cross, and I like that.  I do it myself to remind myself of the cross, and He who died upon it.  And, I need reminding.  And that is part of the value of fellow shipping together, we remind each other.

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