Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ah, Variety, the Spice of Africa

In less than 3 months we have seen:

Rhino, hippo, elephant, eland, kudu, gemsbok, impala, springbok, duiker, giraffes, zebra, widebeest, hartebeest, warthog, cape buffalo, puku, babbons, monkeys, water monitors, slender mongoose, banded mongoose, spring hare, hyrax, squirrels, water buck, crocodile, black-backed jackal, and lots and lots of birds.

It is unbelievable to see this variety in their natural, native habitat.  Part of the thrill is:

  • You never know what you will see.
  • You never know how many.
  • You never know where
  • You never know what combinations
  • You never know what actions they will be taking.

We are surprised at how superior this is to the zoo, where all the above are known before you start.

It's odd that we see life in mostly opposite terms.  We want the pre-packaged, deterministic, fully insured.  We don't want surprises, and we are generally uncomfortable with the unknown.

Surprises are fun for some parts of vacation, but not for "real life".

I know I don't like any surprises.  I was trained by the Military to plan and plan for the unexpected.

And yet, G^d calls us to live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinth 5:7).  If we know what's coming, there is no faith required.

L^rd increase my faith!

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