Friday, December 25, 2015

Joy to YOU too!

It is Christmas!   Joy to the World, the L^rd hath come!

If you are a Believer in the L^rd Jesus the Christ, you ought to be overflowing with joy.

Think about it, regardless of how things are going around you, you have all this:
Purpose in life!
Guidance for living!
Guidance for dying!
A Guaranteed FUTURE!
No fear of anything or anyone!

There is NO basis for us to be lacking in joy.  We may be sad momentarily, but this "...light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory...".

In fact, the child whose birth we celebrate, defeated death and the grave.  He assures us of ultimate victory, and ultimately glory.

Don't you want to shout? 

I think of the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's great work, The Messiah.  I think of those words and smile.  We, of all the people on earth, have to MOST for which to be thankful and joyful.

And He shall reign forever and ever!


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