Thursday, December 17, 2015

Te Amo!

I am guessing that most people know the term, "Te Amo!, Spanish for "I love you".

I am endeavoring to use that more... no not the Spanish, but the English version.  It seems to me that:
  1. It's true, and
  2. We ought to say it more, all of us, all the time.
After all, there are a lot of loveable, and lovely people in our lives.  Sure, I grew up in a home that didn't lightly bandy this term about, but we did feel loved.  Men in the deep South of the USA just didn't say, "I love you". But I wish I had said it more to my parents and my brothers.

But that can be corrected.

I have said it more, though still not enough.  I have a couple of friends that are better about it, and I am trying to improve.  It is amazingly hard. I am a bit surprised at how hard it is.

It isn't hard to say it to my wife and kids, but going outside that small group. Again, it isn't part of my culture to say such a thing to another guy, or really to anyone outside your immediate family.

G^d loves you and so do I.

And I'll try to say it more.

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