Monday, June 25, 2018

A Tribute to Books

Writing about books will make me sound more erudite! Talking about all the books I have read will make me sound sophisticated and well educated. So, don't miss these key points!

My parents, somehow, instilled in us boys at an early age the importance of books. Our lower, lower middle-class home always had an abundance of books. I think I read, and some of my brothers read, almost all of the Hardy Boys detective series. We enjoyed it.

I recall have real, hard-bound, encylopedias on a big bookshelf at home, and one of the KEY pieces of furniture that we wanted when our Mom died, was a set of custom bookcases she had made for the living room of our little, meager bungalow.

We were frequent library visitors and checked out a lot of books over my life. I even met Brenda in the local Canton Library. Brenda and I were just recently in the Tuscaloosa Library, and I have finished 2 books in the last 2 days of vacation (in mid-May).

Some books I love, some not so much. Some of the books I read seem to be grand opportunities for the authors to demonstrate to the reader how erudite, sophisticated, and well-educated they are. I read some books by scholars and they seem to be among the worst at going to great lengths to demonstrate their mastery of lots of subjects.

I hope I will remember these lessons - especially those from the bad books. There are things to admire and emulate about most all the people I have ever met, but I can also learn valuable lessons from those I do NOT wish to emulate, including some authors.

It is a huge undertaking to write a book. Most authors seem very proud - me too. But let's keep a calm demeanor. Let's keep a scintilla of humility about us.

See how erudite, sophisticated, and well-educated I am???

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