Monday, December 24, 2018

Life Review: A Memorable Christmas

Our first Christmas together as a family, 1972, was spent apart from each other.  And, I do mean, really, really apart. In September of that year I had left Charleston aboard the USS Sellers, DDG-11 for deployment with Commander Mid-East Forces in beautiful Bahrain.

Now, that was a rough way to start Christmas family traditions. Fortunately, that Christmas, and one in about 1976, were our only two apart, even with 8 years in the USN after the Academy. And, that is a very good thing. Being far, far away from family is tough any time, but especially during special holidays.

I remember going outside on Christmas eve and looking at the clear sky and stars. It had occurred to me that I was CLOSER to Bethlehem than ever in my life. That was a small consolation, but sure didn't relieve my loneliness. In that circumstance, our ONLY means of communication was hand-written letters, mailed through the US postal system. It took about 2 weeks to get these back and forth.

I love Christmas, and I love being with family. I recall those two Christmases separated from family and my heart goes out to our DoD and others who are separated from their families by duty and circumstance.

Don't take your time with loved ones for granted... not everyone is so blessed.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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