Monday, December 3, 2018

So How Much Time and Money will I spend Decorating my Hotel Room?

We are often the hardest one to convince. I know intellectually that I don't have many more years on earth.  At my advanced age, I don't even buy green bananas.

I wear a old gray bracelet that used to say "Guest". I found it on the beach several years ago, and quickly donned it to remind me that this earth is NOT my home. The word, "Guest" has long been worn away, but I know what it said.  I needed, and still need, reminding.

We are under ENORMOUS pressure to invest heavily, heavily in THIS earthly life--which is too soon passed. Yet most of us just keep on decorating this temporary home. I have mentioned before in this blog the value of Matt 6:19-21, the heart of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. "Lay NOT up treasures on earth...but lay up treasures in HEAVEN... where a man's treasure is, there will be his heart also. You don't really need to know Greek to know what Jesus was saying.

And, as I have shared, most of us lack faith regarding heaven. We KNOW when we've laid up treasure on earth, but that heavenly treasure, we are none too sure about that.

So, how's the decorating going for you?

1 comment:

  1. I love my "home" here. And I believe God is such a generous Father that he enjoys giving us "gits", like a good home. However; I long for my real home, sometimes with a yearning...After I read "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn, I'm even more excited to go Home.
