Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Curse of Being Old and Having DONE a lot of Stuff

I typically really hate the question, "Well what did you think about that ______, movie, book, song, sermon, etc.?"

My wife Brenda and I are the victims of having seen a lot, traveled a lot, and seen/heard a LOT. I am not saying this to brag, but rather as a warning. I suggest that you NEVER ask us, "what did your think about that _____?" Because, we have MOST LIKELY seen, heard, experienced a BETTER one sometime, somewhere before. In fact, we dread the question.

We are NOT trying to be overly critical. We aren't trying to be snobs. We are NOT trying to be jerks. It's just that the L^rd has blessed us with a lot of exposures over a long period of being alive.

So, speaking for me, and not for Brenda--I may WELL be overly critical, a snob and a jerk, but those things may have little to do with my answer to your question.  Soooo, don't ask us what we think, merely tell us what YOU think, and we will likely smile and nod and support your assessment (for your view).

So, what did you think about this BLOG post??

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