Thursday, June 4, 2020

Quarantined Fishing

Brenda and I looked and looked for a place on some water. Last October a year ago we found one, and after some remodeling, we moved in about 12 March 2019. I fished with my friend Craig one time, and made few casts another day, but this spring has been different.

Our son Andrew is staying with us, and our grands, Jem and Hazel have visited 2 afternoons. Fishing is a great quarantine activity (due to COVID-19) since you don't need to touch another person. Plus the weather has been very nice for being outside especially on the water.

I have a canoe, and it is IDEAL for our small lake. In the 13 months we have been here, I have only seen one other boat on the lake, besides our canoe. There has been little wind, so fishing is easy too.

Right now, in the freezer, despite already cleaning maybe 10-12 fish, I probably have about 20 fish waiting for fileting. Today we probably added 8-10 more.

I have written before about enjoying watching the birds on the lake. Now I can write about the supreme pleasure not just of fishing, but of watching my son, daughter, and grands enjoy fishing too. Jem seems especially serious at age 7. I am not sure when I got serious about it, but it may have been a few years after 7.

Brenda has fed us the backyard lake fish on 3 suppers, so far. They were delicious.

Just another gift from our G^d who is so very generous. And it makes quarantine much more tolerable.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how He gets you the house you need.
