Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Learning from a Baby Bird

 I recently watched a survival show wherein the two contestants found a baby bird. After two days of attempting to feed and nurture the little bird the baby died and they survivalists ate it. The response to their act has been mostly negative. People care about baby birds very much, apparently.

I have NO way of knowing for sure, but I would bet that many of the baby bird defenders are perfectly happy if a baby person is killed in utero. Now before you object to the comparison, I do recognize differences between oviparous and viviparous birthing. I also recognize the difference between baby birds and baby people.

That said, I do support abortion IF the mother's life is highly threatened by birthing the baby. And, before you go crazy on me, I have given money to support adoption and do support caring for mothers and children after birth as well as before. And I support my beliefs with money, not just talk.

How do you feel about keeping baby birds alive and keeping baby humans alive? It's not the same.

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