Monday, August 13, 2018

Meeting Professor Ist

Last Sunday (17 June) I taught my 3rd and final Sunday School class on my part of the Evangelism class. I was anxious to demonstrate how Questioning Evangelism works. In thinking about this I decided it might be fun and effective to do a bit of role-play with the class coming up with questions.

My dear friend Barry, is a bit of a ham and was the obvious choice to play the role of Professor A. Theo Ist. I asked Barry to do a pseudo-costume, and he showed up with a drawn-on handle-bar mustache, sunglasses and an Ivy cap (top comes down over bill). Upon inquiry we learned that the Prof was:
Professor of Art
Professor at Oxford (upon clarification we learned he was from Oxford, MS, not Oxford University in England
An A-theo-ist.

The class did a great job with starting off with innocuous questions about his Uni., his specialty, etc.

We then used the beauty of nature, and how that came to be. We also broached the issue of suicide, which is the second-leading cause of death in college-aged people. We talked about WHY Anthony Bourdain would commit suicide. We discussed art and how Kate Spade, and artist, could also commit suicide...

We only had about 15 minutes, so we weren't able get Prof. Ist to the point of having to chose, or not, to trust in the Blood of Christ. But hopefully, the class saw how we can use questions to share a person't need for a Savior, why, and how they repent and accept the substitutionary atonement of Jesus.

Think about it.  It's not that hard. Practice a bit with a friend, and see what you can learn.

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