Monday, March 18, 2013

Arguing for the ^

I have always admired Judaism.  This was G^d’s ordained theocracy.  Like everything else, when we fallen creatures added our own touches, we corrupted it.  As in Noah and the ark, when we humans had so corrupted G^d’s creation that there was little hope for salvaging it, G^d started afresh with a small group of survivors.  Hence the birth of Christ and Christianity.
But there are some very useful aspects of Jewish tradition.  The menorah, the marked door posts (mezzusah), the Shema, the Chekky yanu (spelling?), the reverence for the name of the L^rd, all serve as good reminders of the WHO and WHAT of our great and only G^d.

You probably have noted that I never spell out L^rd, or G^d.  The observant Jews would, and many still, never spell out these words, lest the paper they are written on be accidentally disgraced.

So, since I am not Jewish, why observe this “superstition”.  

The simple answer is, I am looking for all the help I can get.  As Chesterton observed, “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting.  Rather it has been found hard, and not tried.”

In my experience, becoming a Christian is very easy, living as a Christian is a substantial challenge.  Most everything in the western world cries out to be selfish, be materialistic, keep up, buy up, live it up.  “You only go around once in life…” (I bet you know the rest of that beer commercial.  See what I mean).

So, if a little spelling reminds me of the Holy, Righteous, Awesome, L^rd, Savior, Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Sovereign, G^d; so be it.

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