Monday, October 21, 2019

Oldie but goodies

See these boots?  Guess when and where I got them?
Yes!  How did you know?  I got them from my friend, then CPT Charles R who was in Special Forces w the Army. I was visiting him, turkey hunting, in the spring of 1984, I think. He had these boots with which the Army was experimenting to try to minimize detection by UV radiation. They fit me, so he gave them to me.

I have worn them for all sorts of work. I have cut fire wood, painted, built stuff, and even hunted in them. They are now on their last legs, which isn't too bad after 35 years. They have been through some laces, but these are original soles and they are still in pretty good shape.

In the desert, the Israelites sandals did NOT wear out even after 40 years of wandering.  Go figure.

I read this and recognized that when stuff goes a long time you don't spend much money on it. We have 3 autos presently: a 1998 Maxima, a 2000 Tundra, and a 2001 Altima. They still run, so we still drive them. My fav deer rifle I bought used in 1977 or so. I wear a pair of loafers from 1984. Go figure.

Thank you L^rd for some good boots that are only just now wearing out. They didn't make it 40 years, but they still did well. Hey my body is 69.5, and it's still functioning!  Go figure.

Thanks be to G^d!

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