Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Pointing Fingers

 I was recently in a discussion with one of my pastor friends, who is African American. My friend was citing Scriptures against rich people oppressing poor people. There is NO shortage of Scriptures warning the rich of the perils of riches. Likewise, Jesus tells us not to seek riches here on earth, and when talking about salvation with the rich young ruler (Lk 18 and Mk 10), sends the young may away "grieved" for he had much wealth.

I admitted to my friend that I considered myself to be rich, and that the majority of people in the USA (implying him too) are rich by worldwide standards. I also mentioned that as I have talked to people around the world, the aspiration to wealth was extremely common.

He said he was well aware of aspirations but that was irrelevant, we needed to condemn the rich like Scripture does. I then pointed out that we are always quick to condemn the sins we think are beneath us. We want others to "straighten up".

But when I point my finger at others, I have 3 pointing back at me. I am a rich sinner, saved by grace alone. I haven't earned this, I just rest in it.

Thank you L^rd, that even a rich guy like me (and a great many friends, including pastors) can enjoy your grace and mercy!

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