Monday, March 14, 2022

Life Review: Hearing from G^d!!

 Have you ever heard directly and personally from G^d? I have on several occasions. But, before I talk about that, let me outline some principles for verifying G^d's voice. He never contradicts Scripture. He speaks mostly to the benefit of others, but we benefit by hearing and obeying Him.

My most remarkable word from the L^rd came one day, many years back, as I ran East on University Blvd.

Another memorable word from G^d came whilst I was in Australia.

Another time, G^d spoke to my greed.

My all-time fav G^D-speak story happened in 2005. I had just previously filed my retirement for my Delayed Retirement Option. I was about to leave the house for a hunting trip in central AL. I looked at the mail and there was a letter from the Retirement System. It was a copy of a letter they had sent to the UA President, Bob Witt, complaining that my extra pay from grant support was artificially inflating my retirement. I knew that Pres. Witt wouldn't be too bothered, but I was a bit troubled and started contemplating what I should do to right an unintended/unexpected wrong.

I was the first one at camp, and I would be spending the night there, out in the middle of the woods, with total quiet. I went to bed early, to hunt the next day, and when I did I heard a voice,

"And thus they plundered Egypt."

I knew that was a reference to the Children of Israel asking their Egyptian neighbors for their gold and silver jewelry before the Exodus.

I thought, "that's strange" but proceeded to doze off, when I heard the same words again. This time I got up, got my Bible and turned to EX. 12, searched around and found this in verse 36, "And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. Thus they plundered the Egyptians."

G^d then spoke again, "This is My doing, not yours." I smiled quietly to myself, and never worried about it again.

You see, years earlier the University had prohibited me from speaking about Christianity on campus, which led to 3.5 years in federal court. But in the end, as always, G^d won!

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