Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Driving long distances

Almost without thinking, we chose to drive most places. We have made a lot of flights, but we now prefer to drive. Most of our colleagues, but fewer than usual, flew to Milwaukee. We knew we would drive and stop somewhere along the way.

Why drive?

It only takes a little longer. For us to fly we have to drive to BHM airport, and hour away. We must arrive 2 hours early—at minimum. We also pay airport parking fees for the entire time. Then there is a chance that mechanical problems…or weather…or the current pilot shortage would cancel the flight. Once you arrive, you still need transport from the airport to our hotel. And, we have no transport.

And then there is the cost. Brenda and I travel together, so airfare gets doubled. However, car rental is the same no matter how many passengers. Of course there is parking and gas to pay, and perhaps an extra hotel night, but still, relative to two airfares, it is a bargain.

The way we drive is that Brenda really does most of the driving, and I work on the computer—exactly what we are doing as I write this. Regardless, this is our preference. We find it to be cheaper and a less stressful way for two to travel reasonable distances (as far as home to Yellowstone).

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