Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beautiful Beach Bodies

Brenda and I are on holiday at the beach.  Here I am reminded of an important lesson that I seem to forget.

At the beach, if you pay attention, you realize that there are FEW perfect bodies in the world, and in fact, few beautiful bodies in the world.  We are fooled by the images on tv, movies and magazines.

Why is that important to know?

In my business of exercise physiology, I am surrounded by a lot of people who fall in love with their bodies, and a few who begin to worship muscles, exercise and health.

It's hard to keep in mind that, even if we live to be one hundred, life is very short.  James 4:14b says, "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."  Note that a mist doesn't even leave a track or a corpse when it's gone.

We put so much effort and thought into something that is so short lived.  I guess I (and we) just lack foresight.  It's like polishing a paper plate.

There's an old southern USA saying, "He's so heavenly minded, he's no earthly good."  I realized several years ago, the opposite is much much worse, He's so earthly minded, he's no heavenly good. 

L^rd give us at least a modicum of long-sighted thinking and acting.

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