Monday, July 6, 2020

Maybe just a little Obsessive...

My family thinks I have a problem--a wood problem. Back when the weather was nice, Andrew and I went to Moody Swamp, to Mr. Fred J's land and cut a couple of loads of wood to "top-off" our supply. Recall that you have to cure green wood for about 12-16 months to dry it sufficiently to burn well. I was thinking I had plenty.

But wood-cutting friend down the street texted me to say there was a pile of wood in our neighborhood. On our next jog to that area, I swung by and took a look. Some Oak, some hackberry, some unknown, some too big, but some just right. Now I ask you, how can you pass up cut wood within a mile of your house? Well, I got three loads.

And then, in a different spot, still in the neighborhood I found almost a truck load of dried wood. How can you pass up already-dried wood, within 0.7 miles of your house?  I could not.

So, I had to build two more 4x4x4 sheds to hold the new wood. I was thinking about going to buy a couple of 2x4's to build with, when on a jog...Andrew and I spotted a PILE of 2x4's being discarded within 0.5 miles of our house, plus a pile of old porch railing being discarded which would make excellent walls. And, all of this was FREE!!  My favorite deal.

So, now we have another cord of wood, some green and some dry. Plus we have 2 new sheds built from mostly free materials. Hopefully I'll remember to get some photos of our wood supply before winter of 2020.

Thank you L^rd for your manifold blessings.

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