Monday, July 27, 2020

Quiet time at the Beach

Once again it was time for the beach. We had tried to go before Memorial Day, but we didn't get a reservation--likely because of COVID caution. We did get 5 days at the end of June, so after thinking a bit and praying a bit, we headed south.

The beach was surprisingly normal. We don't usually go in June, so it was more crowded than May, but it still wasn't really crowded. I think our part of Panama City Beach is never overly crowded--no wait, stay away, it's terrible.

Our days were pretty hum-drum. Wake up, take some coffee, head for the beach. Take a walk to the east. Come back. Read. Take a walk to the west. Come back, read, chat a bit. Go back to the room for a refill on drinks and sometimes a bit of lunch. Then back to the beach and repeat the morning rituals.

I read 2 very good books. Tim Keller, currently suffering from severe cancer, wrote a short book called, On Death. It was excellent. It was apparently a small expansion of the funeral he preached for his wife's sister.

The second book was Andreas Kostenberger's The Final Days of Jesus. Dr. Kostenberger is a prof at midwestern seminary, but he managed to write a very good book without trying to sound "academic" using words uncommon to the vocabulary. He took each of the gospels and showed the parallel passages side by side. He then offered commentary and even his footnotes were interesting.

After a Wed 1400 arrival, by Sunday I had finsihed my books. I had brought two more books, but I forgot I had them, so from Sunday onwards I only had Deer and Deer Hunting magazines to read.

One of our habits is to visit the thrift stores around Panama City Beach. This time we visited fewer than usual, but we bought NOTHING. Yep, that's a first.

We had nice conversations with Jeff and Kay from Alphareta, Emily from Auburn and unknown folks from Cincinnati, East Cobb county GA, and Abilene.

We managed to extend our stay to a full week. We got lots of sun, lots of relaxation, A change of pace, a place with no chores, thanks be to G^d. G^d is good.  Thank you L^rd.

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