Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Eve

 Well Christmas is here--almost. As many have noted, it is easy these days to lose the Christ in the Christmas. We hope that you haven't made that great blunder.

Regardless of the distractions, let's remember that baby in the manger who came to earth to take away out sin--something we could never achieve ourselves.

Let's think of Mother Mary who says in Luke 1:38, "Behold the handmaid of the L^rd, be it done to be according to your word." What faith this young unmarried woman expressed in that simple phrase. May we have such faith.

Christmas this year will be different with social-distancing and masked visitors. The customs may change, but the advent of our Savior is still the SAME. Sadly too, our consumerism is still the same, though shopping modes have changed.

We in the USA and western Europe are so distracted by materialism we can easily miss the significance of Our Savior come to save us. Here, we (me too), say save us from what? We have it so exquisitely nice who is interested in heaven. From my perspective, those living in poverty and under oppression can readily celebrate salvation much more genuinely than we can.

So, please take just a moment and reflect on what heaven will be like--how superior in every way it will be compared to "...the present evil age" of Gal 1:4. Think about HOW MUCH better it will be to be in the presence of Jesus, than in the world's finest resort. Think what it will be to be in the close presence of Jesu, the King of the Universe, and to chat with the Greatest Teacher and King of eternity. And recognize that it will NEVER end.

So, pause and endeavor to dismiss this world for the moment and thank the L^rd that He was willing to be born in humble circumstances to save us from our sin.

Pause, Pray, Praise.

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