Saturday, February 4, 2012


Swedish saying, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing!"

Sunday, 5 Feb is forecast to have a HIGH of 4 F (-15 C).  Hmmmm.
Even the Swedes say it's cold!!

Wow. Does appropriate clothing even exist for that temperature? So, as Bob Brooks said,  in a spiritual sense, Brenda and I  are ice fishing for souls.

Express the temperature in C in T-Town, now make it negative.

As I (Phil) have aged, I have discovered why many folks retire and move South.  I don’t enjoy cold nearly like I used to when I was young.

What can you do outside at 4 F?
o   Ice fishing
o   Cross-country skiing
o   Strolling
o   Sunbathing
o   Don’t go outside, stay at home and ___.

But Jesper assures me, “After being this cold, when it warms up to 12 F, you’ll be opening up your jacket."