Friday, April 20, 2012

Bath House

I (Phil) am sitting in a room full of men and women, and none of us is wearing more than  towel!

If you were hoping for pictures, there aren't any.

Mostly I keep my eyes closed, not because of temptation, but because the sweat is pouring into my eyes.

It's about 85C!  How hot is that?  Water boils at 100 C. each degree C is worth 1.8 degrees F, so about 185F!

To make matters worse, an attendant has just put crushed ice on the rocks that are heating the place.

I am sitting on the top row, and heat rises.  When the ice converts to steam, the hot dry air suddenly becomes hot steamy air.  The attendant waves a bath towel, not to cool us but to move the steam over us.

We study sweat in our lab, and I am pretty sure we are sweating at the maximal rate, but the air is so humid that sweat doesn't evaporate, it rolls off to the beautiful raw wood seats.

Sweat is mostly water.  We are mostly water. After this amount of sweating, I thirst.
"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." Jn 7:38.

Living water is good.

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