When it’s snowy everywhere, boots make a lot of sense. When the snow begins melting, boots make even more sense.
Back in Alabama, except for Sunday I wear running shoes every day. For Brenda it is a bit more varied. But, one of the things that she never considered before she came to Sweden, she now wears nothing but the same pair of boots, day in day out. To dinner, shopping or church, it’s boots, boots, boots.
This illustrates one of the great virtues of simplicity: when there is but one thing to wear, you don’t waste time, talent or thought in making that decision.
Everyone wants lots of CHOICES these days. We want 500 channels of television, 101 Dalmatians, and 31 flavors of ice cream. We have to choose, because we demand CHOICE!

One of our biggest daily choices is whom we will serve. I am tempted to serve myself foremost, next family and friends, and occasionally others.
So choose this day whom you will serve… We have to choose. G^d designed life that way.
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