Apparently we lie to the East of a major mountain valley that funnels in "warm" air from the Atlantic Gulf Stream which keeps Ostersund area's weather "milder" than some places further south, or so I am told.
Apparently too, this valley funnels these westerly winds right onto us. We get some high winds. Sustained winds of 25 mph + are not rare here. This morning, I walked to work with sustained winds of almost 30 mph. Fortunately, I was walking East and the wind was from the West, otherwise, I think it would have taken a lot longer!
Wind chill is real, and works because the wind blows away the nice layer of warm, humid air that forms naturally next to our skin. So when it's cold, and the wind is blowing hard, keeping the wind off our skin is vital to staying warm.
This reminds me of when Jesus talked about the wind, saying, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." (Jn 3:8)
Just from the sound of the wind, we can't tell much about it. Likewise the mystery of the Holy Spirit is just that, a mystery.
I understand a lot of thermodynamics, weather, fluid flow, and physiology, but I don't understand G^D. In fact, I no longer even seek to UNDERSTAND G^d, I just seek to listen, learn, and follow him. That G^d makes himself known at all is a miracle. That He makes Himself understandable even in a small way, but remains comprehensible, is to be expected.
Wes once said, "a heresy is a mystery explained." True that!
When I walk in the cold and wind, my eardrums really hurt. What do you recommend? Earmuffs? Ear plugs?
ReplyDeleteNot plugs, because that interferes with your hearing. Anything that covers your ears should work.
ReplyDeleteWhat you say is similar to what I said about it being more important that God knows us that we think we know everything about God... What the wisest Theologian may know about God,and a three year old child may not really be that far apart compared to the infinite God.
ReplyDeleteJohn, How true!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone once said, "unless you become as little children..." and in Matt 11, "...hidden from the wise and intelligent and revealed unto babes, for thus is well pleasing in Thy sight...". ;)