Sunday, April 21, 2013

Globalization of Praise

We were a bit surprised at the music in our local congregation.  We recognized everything we sang, except for one Tswana version of one of the songs.

The same was almost true in Sweden also.  They had one or two songs in 3.5 months that were new to us, but that’s a pretty small difference really.

I read Thomas Sowell’s book, The Earth is Flat, several years back.  His argument was that the internet had essentially brought the whole earth close together.  A call to a business for assistance, is just as likely to be answered in India as in Indianan.  I guess it has the same impact on music too.

And, to be honest, it kinda comforting.  Here we are in Southern Africa singing the same hymns that our friends in Grace Church are singing back in AL, albeit 8 hours later.

G^d clearly isn’t constrained to one country, or one continent, or one set of music.  G^d transcends time and space.  Music connects the Tswana-speaking Batswana, with the southern speaking Alabamian.

And it really was that way, even before the WWW.  G^d is “no respecter of persons” we are told, and why should He.  He spoke us ALL into existence.  He is Sovereign over all, and He died for all mankind.  One day we will ALL be singing one song with one voice.

What a wedding feast of the Lamb that will be!

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