Saturday, November 9, 2013


Remember when we slept in a cave in Kang in South-central Botswana?

Well this trip we slept in a rondavel.  A rondavel is a round mud hut with a thatched roof.  It is the most common permanent home in the small rural villages of Bots.  Ours was similar in size except the walls were made of cement, and the bathroom was attached.

Brenda really, really like the bathroom. You could shower and look up and see the stars.  This was because.. there was NO roof.  I liked it too.  There isn't that much rain here in Gweta, in East central Botswana, so no roof didn't matter all that much... we suppose.

For people living in real rondavels full time, there are typically 2-4 bouidlings all located inside a wooden-fenced compound.  One will serve as kitchen and one as sleeping quarters.  Sometimes there is an outhouse in the compound.

There are usually trees, but never a blade of grass.  There is dust and dirt everywhere and we marvel that the people generally look and smell clean.  How they do this is a mystery to us.

Brenda and I both remark that we are totally unaware of the majority of people in the world.  it's not jsut that we don't knwo them, we don't even know that we don't know them.

But, G^d knows them.  He died for each one.  If not a sparrow falls, then neither does a Batswana (word form for people of Botswana).

Allah Akbar indeed.  G^d is great!

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