Sunday, April 25, 2021

Life Review: Ancestry

 I volunteered to be part of a research cohort. As part of their study they tested the DNA of all participants. Though most of the findings were pretty irrelevant (bitterness sensitivity, lactose tolerance and ear wax stickiness), they did test ancestry.

I was 62% Northern and Central European
28% SW European (Spain etc.), and 
10% Ashkenazi Jewish!!  As many friends know

A Latino friend had told me that the name "Diaz" was Sephardic Jewish name--and that looks to be true.

As many friends know, I have definite Jewish leanings. I eat a diet from Leviticus, I have a mezuzah on my door post, have several kippahs (Jewish man's cap) and a tallit (Jewish prayer shawl). I can say the "Shehecheyanu " and the first part of the Shema.

I am not sure why I am so happy about that little 10%. I guess being related to G^d's Chosen People is why I like it so much.

You might not recall but I told the story in a blog post about being challenged in a court deposition about being biased toward Jewish attorneys. I wish I had known about that 10% then.

Kol Tuv

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