Monday, April 12, 2021

Life review: A Visit to Israel

In Oct. 1996, Brenda and i got to Israel. I presented some science papers at a Conference, so the Uni paid my way and our hotel for part of the time. It was one of our most memorable and enjoyable trips, and we have made several.

Lots of places stand out, but the top two were Capernaum and Bethany. Bethany is the site of a lot of Bible action--home of Mary and Martha and brother Lazarus for example. It is on Mt. Olivet and over looks the Temple Mount. Speaking of which, the west wall, the Wailing Wall, is where we saw "...not one stone upon another," the stones from Herod's temple laying in disarray.

Up north at the Sea of Galilee, on the NW shore is Capernaum where Jesus did a lot of teaching. Nearby is a large natural  amphitheater where it is speculated the Sermon on the Mount could have been delivered with excellent acoustics. And, to see the Lake Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee) with our own eyes was a thrill. Walking on water, Peter catching a fish with a coin, Jesus calming the storm--all happened there.

Seeing the steep road from Jericho UP to Jerusalem gives new insight into the story of the Good Samaritan. Going up to Jerusalem from any direction makes sense. And, wandering the streets of the old city and seeing David's palace and so many other interesting sites was a thrill, as was traveling the short distance to Bethlehem.

Some of the non-Biblical sites like the fortress Masada, were also impressive as was floating in the highly salty Dead Sea. To see the site of the Essene scrolls was interesting.

For such a small, small country, Israel is rich with history--including the home and ministry sites of Jesus. Don't pass up an opportunity to visit--it will change your view of the Scriptures and the stories it tells.

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