Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Mosaic Roma Meeting

Brenda and I had a chance to meet with some folks from...FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Roma, Italy! What, you didn't know of that congregation--hey it is our Baptist friends, what did you expect?

On my last visit to Roma in 2019, I got to speak to an audience at First Baptist church there after lunch. This trip, I got to speak to their young professionals group in the home of the group leader, Dennis. The group is called "Mosaic" and that is a wonderful name. Many nationalities are represented in that group.

Brandon, who had set up the meeting had told me I should give a talk on "Getting Better Grades". As we began to chat with attendees we learned that ALL but one of them had already graduated, and the one still in university was at the very end of her studies.

Well, with foreign mission trips, as Josh Jones used to say, "Things will change, and then they will change again." So, on the spot I made the call to change to talk to, "What are practical ways for professionals to be salt and light in the workplace."

I made it interactive and the group quickly chimed in. We came with many ways to witness for the Christ in everyday life. Carrying a Bible with you, offering to pray, asking folks how they REALLY are, were just a few of the ideas that developed easily.

It was probably one of my all-time favorite meetings. Those people are young, wonderful committed sisters and brothers in Christ. We should enjoy each other and we did. 

Dennis and his aunt served us a delightful meal and the time together was precious. 

Thanks be to G^d!

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