Sunday, February 20, 2022

Bad Decisions

 Early in the Fall I made a major booboo. I needed a little paint, and I had picked up a paint can on our property that seemed like it was full of paint. The can was pretty rusty and the nozzle long gone.

So, I need a little paint, I have a little paint, what could go wrong?

So, I went in to my shop area in the garage. I tried to fit another nozzle on the can, to no avail. I still needed paint, and assumed the pressure was long gone from the full can, which is likely why it had been discarded in the first place.

So, I decided to drill a small hole in the top to get access to the paint inside.

I shook the can, and at some point it SHOULD have occurred to me to do this outside. Instead I proceeded to drill into the can at my work bench.

Yep, you guessed correctly. The pressure in the can was very high, which produced a fine spray of paint that surprised me at its height and duration. Not wanting to turn the autos white I quickly moved the can off the bench to the floor--thus painting all sorts of stuff on and in my work bench.  

Clever, huh?

So now, I have a reminder every time I walk past my work bench. A little more thought, a little slower action would have diverted a small, but annoying disaster.

Oh well, at least no one was hurt. And, on the plus side, I get reminded over and over of how bad a decision I can make in haste.

Haste not, waste not.  Thanks for the reminder.

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