Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bar-b-que Japanese Style

We just ate a GREAT barbecue at my son David's house in Japan.  At Japan, the grilling is done over charcoal.  Lighting the fire is a bit of an art, so I introduced the old Boy Scout fire building skills and got it going fairly easily.

It was nice to grill fresh sweet- really sweet- corn, green peppers, hotdogs, steak, burgers and tongue.  Really, the tongue was a tasty thinly sliced beef tongue, and over the grill it picked up the flavor and much of the fat was removed.  It was one of my favorites.

But the real favorite came after the physical appetites were sated.  After the ladies went inside, and the sun set too, Davey and I set in the growing dark and chatted.

I asked David about things in Japan.  I commented on things in my life.  I really can't recall all that we discussed, but I do recall the joy of adult conversation, in the quiet, with my middle son- now a mature adult with many great character qualities.

If I enjoyed this, how must G^d feel when we sit with him- in the quiet?

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