Thursday, March 30, 2017

A little change of Direction for us

Brenda and I have been telling a lot of folks, over the last couple of months, about our newest change of DIRECTION.  As I wrote before, we felt clearly called by G^d to pack up our stuff, leave part of our family, and move to another land, Lynchburg VA. The Biblical precedent for this is ample in such cases as Abram, Moses, Joshua, etc.  We felt clearly called to come to Liberty University.

But now G^d has called us to move again. This time we hope to move soon BACK to AL!  Yes, G^d spoke again in January, calling us to leave this job and locale and join with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) Faculty Ministry.  We have been associate with this ministry for 32 years.  and, we are extremely excited to change our course of travel once again!!!

What does this new venture involve?  Well, we aren't totally sure.  We envision being on university and college campi around the SE, around the USA, and around the world, encouraging and teaching faculty how to impact their campus for the Christ.  We will serve, speak (Phil), love (Brenda setting the pace, me trying to learn and keep up), and minister to Christian faculty, and Christian Graduate and undergraduate students,  at every opportunity.

Most Cru staff have to spend considerable time and energy in raising their own salary.  Thanks be to G^d that HE has provided us with ample resources through our Social Security and retirement benefits.  The only support we will need, in order of importance is:
and travel expenses.

Please PRAY that the Holy Spirit will work in OUR lives and the lives of those to whom we are ministering.

We'll put a bit more in my next post.

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