Thursday, March 14, 2019

Adventures on the Road, Greenville, Columbus

As I shared in the last post, G^d got us to Greenville on time.  In Greenville I got to share briefly with the assembled Christian Faculty about ministering to Internationals.  But, the highlight was sitting at the table with a group of Clemson Graduate Students.  Later I had this same group in a small group seminar on issues in Grad School.  It was a FUN time and Brenda and I were so encouraged to see the Christina maturity and commitment of these young folks.

We had a number of great interactions with the Faculty in the Conference, and had lunch with a couple of them On our way home to fetch clean underwear, we met up with some of our longest-time friends, Penny and Chuck.  We had a terrific visit with them, and rested a bit before the long drive home through downtown Atlanta on I-85 (and some may know what a challenge that can be!)  We made it through just fine, and made it to Northport (home).

We had 2 days at home before heading north to Columbus, OH. On the way up we stopped in Cincinnati to have lunch with my Freshman USNA roommate, George and a classmate, Fred.  We had a terrific visit and caught up a bit with them.  The time passed too quickly until we had to head east for Columbus.

The Columbus Conference was one of the warmest, most influential conferences we have attended, and think we were up to about 8 at that point. The stetting was ideal, the leaders were very warm and friendly, and the speakers good. I got to speak a bit about International ministry again, and then teamed up with a colleague to talk about legal issues for Christian Profs. Those were both fun sessions. Again, we met a lot of wonderful Christian profs.

We helped clean up Saturday night, then went to a dinner to debrief. That was a new, welcome addition to the conference.  Sunday morn we headed south. A bit over halfway the rain started and never let up.  Whew, that is tough for us old timers. We did stop in for a brief visit with our son and his family.  We drove on home, and began to pray for no rain whilst driving for our coming trip to Raleigh.

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