Monday, April 29, 2019

GETTYSBURG Lessons Part ii

Last blog we mentioned how Gen Buford's identification of the "good ground" was crucial. In that era, the calvary, under Buford, was the eyes of the whole army. While Buford was doing his excellent work, his counterpart on the Confederate side, J.E.B. Stuart, was no where to be found.

In fact, Gen Stuart, who had a good reputation, had captured a bunch of valuable supplies from the North, and this cargo was slowing him down greatly--so much so that he missed the entire battle. The Southern leaders were blind without the cavalry. Even though Stuart was doing "a good thing", he was not doing his KEY JOB when it was needed most. Consequently his colleagues were blind, and some were so frustrated they were recommending his court martial to Gen. Robert E. Lee.

There is a lesson for us in this. NO matter how good a job we are doing, if we are NOT doing what G^d has called us to, we are hurting the Body of Christ.  Now many of us might argue that G^d has only called us to work in our occupation, and do that well. I suspect we don't hear G^d's call, because we aren't really listening.

G^d has clearly called us to be "salt and light" in Matt. 7, and yet we are not salt or light in the workplace. We may work hard, long, and highly visibly at our congregation, and yet we contain our faith, and expressions to it, to ONLY this environment, where we will be recognized and rewarded. Yet many of us are occupied 40 hours + per week in the marketplace. Where is our light?

I think J.E.B. Stuart was a great officer, but his one mistake of being distracted from his true task, cost him many colleagues on friends in the Rebel army.

How about me and you?

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