Thursday, April 4, 2019

Good News! Our BiGGEST problem is already solved!

Several weeks ago, our pastor, who served a dual role as our son-in-law, gave a great, positive, GOSPEL message. In essence, our biggest problem is the curse of sin and death. This problem was totally resolved in the substitutionary atonement of Jesus the Christ. Now that's Good News, and that is the essence of the Gospel.

If you study things a bit, you discover that we were BORN into sin, we commit sin daily, and we will continue to sin. IF, and big IF, we obey the commandments of Christ, our sin level should decrease substantially. It does not disappear.

Which leads us to the truth of Christianity--I have been saved from my sin, I am daily being forgiven my sin, and in the end, I will be redeemed from my sin once and for all. Thanks be to G^d.

The biggest problem my non-Christian, non-religious freinds have, is their FAILURE to accept that they need redemption. They think they are "just fine". In my view, after looking at what is going on in the world, if you don't think mankind is fallen in general, you aren't really paying attention. If you don't recognize your won sinful nature, then you are prideful, and have exceedingly low standards.

Alas, but we are easily capable of rationalizing our own sins, whilst noting with glee the shortcomings of others.

BUT, for those who recognize our own sinfulness, I have great news.  The Blood of Christ has washed away your sins.  True enough, and great news indeed!

1 comment:

  1. This my be your best post, EVER!...And I've read and identified w/ quiet a lot of them :)
