Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Learning from the Hummers

 As you may have guessed, we are big hummingbird fans. We have been feeding them, and watching them for many years. Some of you know what I mean. They dart about in mid-air, they hover, they fly backwards, they are so small, yet so capable. And, of course they are beautiful.

But, if you have watched them long, you KNOW that these little beauties fight constantly! This morning, just after sunrise, there were 4 (I think) who were fighting furiously around out feeder.

Yes, in that way they are a LOT like us. Maybe that explains some of their appeal. You see there is PLENTY of sugar-water to be had. We keep the feeder well supplied, and when we left town two weeks back, we made sure there was sufficient hummingbird nectar in the feeder.

Yet despite that there will always be plenty of food--they still fight. We have plenty, even too much, and we still fight. Hummers appear to be greedy--just like...well, you know.

Hummers spend/waste a lot of energy fighting to be next at the feeder. Let me assure you, there is plenty of time throughout the day when the feeder has no hummers present. Patience hummers, patience! Patience humans, patience.

Alas, I do NOT expect the hummers, or the humans to change.

L^rd have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Thanks L^rd for your mercy and grace which we ALL need so desperately.

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