Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mystery and Blessings of Sleep

I know at least two buddies about my age who have horrendous sleep problems. They struggle with insomnia. Thanks be to G^d, this has never been a problem for me. I sleep, even at my advanced age. I often, usually, go to bed before 9PM. I sleep. Sometimes, like last night for close to 11 hours. Knowing of my friends who struggle increase my appreciation of my ability to sleep. 

Sleep has always intrigued me. Why did G^d create mankind with a need to spend one-third of the day asleep. In my musing, I have only been able to come up with one explanation. For many folks, like me, we are in a dither all day long. We seldom rest our minds...except at night. We may well be too busy to hear from G^d...except at night.

I have heard from G^d during my waking hours on several occasions that I have blogged before: 1)  That time in Australia about encouragement, 2) That time running about picking up trash, 3) That time in Jan 2016 about loving not marrying things (commitment), and 4) That time back in 1980 about leaving the USN and going to Grad school. Maybe there are more.

But, how many times MIGHT I have heard directly from G^d, if I quieted down a bit? Though I do not recall hearing from G^d in the night, in dreams or visions, maybe He has spoken and I didn't recognize His voice. I look back over my life and see where G^d has kept me from things, and enabled me in others, clearly in divine ways. Thank you L^rd.

Sleep is great rest. After a good night's sleep I feel refreshed, renewed, recovered. Sometimes I work hard. Sometimes I exercise hard. Many times I am thrilled to snuggle into bed. I typically fall asleep quickly. When I don't, or when I wake up in the night and can't go right back to sleep, I pray. We are under-prayed, sure enough. Maybe that is a second reason G^d made us to sleep--so we can pray when we can't sleep.

Here's wishing you all a great night's sleep. If you can't sleep, please pray.

Good night!


  1. That's one prayer you can always pray for me, good sleep.

  2. Will do brother. It is important in many ways. Blessings, and thanks for reading faithfully.
