Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Praise the L^rd for Back Relief

Back around 10 March I somehow hurt my back pretty severly. I can't recall any details, but I do remember taking a bad fall, and thinking, "This is the kind of fall that really hurts people." I then got up and counted and sorted my bones and discovered, I thought, that miraculously I was uninjured.

And then my back...

As a brand new 70-year-old I was happy to have never had low back issues. But all of a sudden, as I sat, my back began to hurt something awful. It was strange, I could stand, walk, run pain-free, but sitting was a killer. I went to my Good friend and chiropractor Wayne, for my first ever chiropractic visit. Every other day for two weeks I visited Wayne and he would evaluate my back and give me advice on icing, using low-back support and other stuff.

I followed his advice and added low-back stretches and exercises done lying in the floor. I sawed would, ran a wood splitter, did heavy labor without pain, until that night and the next day. I took one pain reliever at night before bed, when it was particularly bad, and I had some bad evenings.

But now, 8 months late, it seems to be almost totally well. I can ocassionally feel it, but it is NOTHING like it was.  Thanks be to G^d! 

See, people asked, and I asked them to pray for my back. Some of them, maybe many, prayed and G^d answered their, and my, prayers. We seem a bit remiss in asking for prayer, then G^d answers, and we go on about our business. I want to THANK the L^rd for giving me healing. I am SO very much better. Thanks to all friends who prayed for me. G^d gave me healing- partial  or whole, He has done it.

Thank you L^rd!

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