Sunday, July 24, 2022

Moving STUFF

Brenda and I spent 3 days helping her sister move out of her house and into a very nice apartment her son built for her in his house. For safety reasons, this is a much better place for her, and is small, neat, tidy and convenient.

The process of helping her was a real challenge to both Brenda and I. She had lived in the house for 45 years and accumulated a lot of stuff.
Brenda and I had to downsize in moving from Bellwood with over 3k square feet to Allums with a bit less than half that. Brenda's sister's new place is prob a bit smaller than half her former home, so it is really tough. Plus the furniture pieces she has collected over the years are very nice and it is indeed hard to see these beautiful pieces go.  But, decisions have to be made and they would be tough for any of us. The sister has a terrific memory and can tell a story about even small knick-knacks.
So, it is hard on us all, but especially on her. She loves a lot of stuff which she is having to leave behind. i am hoping to learn something from this. Stuff is stuff, we will leave it all behind eventually. I don't want to get too wrapped up in the stuff I have--or it will own me.
And that is the lesson for us all. One day we will all do the same.

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